Sitation Blog

What Retailers does Salsify Publish to?

May 23, 2022

One of the most powerful features of Salsify is its ability to help brands and manufacturers publish their data to retailers. Dozens of retailers are now supported with direct publication capability from Salsify, including Amazon, Walmart, Target, Wayfair, PetSmart, Instacart, and many many more.

If a retailer does not support a direct connection, Salsify can still help. Salsify can assist with converting and mapping data to a retailer’s specific requirements and template. Then, once the data is ready, Salsify can provide a platform for brands to easily publish their data via manual upload or integration with the retailer’s API.

Sitation also helps brands and manufacturers to publish product data by providing services to support and manage the PIM instance. We are Salsify’s highest volume implementation partner, and we have successfully completed PIM implementations for companies of all sizes, including hundreds of integrations to retail partners. If you need help, please get in touch and let’s talk.