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Amazon Partner Selling API: Ensuring Compliance Within Salsify

August 2, 2023

Amazon, as a leading e-commerce giant, continually updates its requirements to enhance the overall shopping experience for customers. In a recent development, the retailer announced a significant Amazon Partner Selling API update that affects product listings templates for the US marketplace.

To ensure compliance and streamline the transition, businesses using Salsify as their product information management (PIM) platform can rely on Sitation’s expert support. Let’s take a look at the requirement, it’s fast approaching effective date, and what it means for Salsify users.


The Amazon Requirement and Effective Date

Amazon Partner Selling API update mandates the addition of 25 new attributes across 52 product types in product listings templates. These attributes are essential for product categorization and improved searchability, ensuring that customers can find the products they are looking for more efficiently. This update applies to the US marketplace and requires businesses to update their product information to include the specified attributes.

Amazon Partner Selling API update mandates the addition of 25 new attributes across 52 product types in product listings templates.


Amazon Partner Selling API updat 8/23


The effective date of this update is critical, as compliance is necessary to avoid any disruptions to product listings and sales on Amazon. As of August 16, 2023, all product listings must include the 25 new attributes to remain in accordance with Amazon’s guidelines.

As of August 16, 2023, all product listings must include the 25 new attributes to remain in accordance with Amazon’s guidelines.

Amazon Partner Selling API Update: Impact on Salsify Users

For businesses using Salsify as their PIM platform, the Amazon Partner Selling API update is a crucial compliance requirement. Ensuring that product listings are updated with the necessary attributes is essential to maintain a seamless integration between Salsify and Amazon. By adhering to these changes, Salsify users can continue to leverage the platform’s capabilities and deliver accurate and comprehensive product information to Amazon’s vast customer base.

What Salsify Users Need to Do

As a Salsify user with products listed on Amazon’s US marketplace, you must take prompt action to incorporate the 25 new attributes into your product listings. Failure to comply with Amazon’s update could result in potential listing removal or diminished visibility, negatively impacting your sales and brand presence on the platform.

To successfully update your product listings, follow these steps:

1. Review the New Attributes: Familiarize yourself with the 25 new attributes required by Amazon and understand how they apply to your product types. Download the product type attribute list.

2. Evaluate Existing Data: Assess your current product information in Salsify and identify any gaps in the required attributes.

3. Update Product Listings: Integrate the new attributes into your product listings within the given timeframe to ensure compliance with Amazon’s requirement.

How Sitation Can Help

At Sitation, we understand the complexity of the Amazon Partner Selling API update and the importance of timely compliance for your business. Our team of expert consultants is dedicated to providing comprehensive support to Salsify users throughout this transition.

1. Expert Consultation: Our experienced consultants will thoroughly analyze your product data and guide you in incorporating the new attributes into your Salsify product listings.

2. Seamless Integration: We will seamlessly integrate the updated product information from Salsify to Amazon, ensuring a smooth and efficient transition.

3. Data Validation: Our team will perform thorough data validation to ensure that the new attributes are correctly applied, reducing the risk of errors and listing rejections.

4. Timely Execution: With Sitation’s efficient approach, you can rest assured that your product listings will be updated in a timely manner, meeting Amazon’s compliance deadline.


As the Amazon Partner Selling API update comes into effect, Salsify users must act swiftly to incorporate the 25 new attributes across 52 product types in their listings templates for the US marketplace. Failure to comply with this requirement could result in potential disruptions to product listings and sales on Amazon. To navigate this transition with ease and confidence, Salsify users can rely on Sitation’s expert support. Our team is well-equipped to guide you through the update process, ensuring your business remains in compliance with Amazon’s guidelines while maintaining a seamless integration between Salsify and Amazon’s platform.

With Sitation’s assistance, you can enhance your product visibility and customer experience on Amazon, driving growth and success in the dynamic world of e-commerce. Contact us to start your update engagement.

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