The Salsify API provides powerful functionality to partners, developers, and customers who wish to extend their usage of Salsify into their own applications.
What is the Salsify API?
Salsify provides a simple, RESTful API for interacting with Salsify resources using credentials tied to your Salsify login. The API is comprised of a set of resources representing Salsify resources (products, channels, assets, etc.) and operations on those resources, such as reading, writing and deleting of individual entities (CRUD operations), as well as bulk operations.
Virtually every aspect of the Salsify data model can be accessed through the API, including products, digital assets, channels, and more. The Salsify Developer Hub is an excellent resource to help you get started. Salsify webhooks are another powerful resource, allowing you to integrate real-time notifications into your app based on changes made inside your instance.
The Salsify Developer Hub provides excellent Salsify api documentation to help users build their own applications which integrate with Salsify.
How can Sitation be Helpful?
Sitation makes extensive use of the APIs in many Salsify projects and add-ons, including our Vendor Portal for Salsify and our Middleware for Salsify. As an expert in building applications on the Salsify API, we encourage you to reach out to us if you need help. We can assist you with designing and executing your vision for how to leverage the Salsify API for your particular needs. Salsify API limits apply in all applications, so it’s important to know what you’re doing to make sure your application will scale.